I believe that the best therapy for anxiety is one that is integral, that is, that works with your 6 main areas as a human being: emotions, mind, body, interpersonal relationships, behavior and spirituality.
That is, because by living with anxiety, these 6 areas are affected to a lesser or greater extent, and whether one area was the forerunner and the others followed, the treatment has to focus on healing you as the integral being that you are.
The best therapy is the one that encompasses your whole being as the unit that you are.
This is like the egg and the chicken, perhaps we will not know for sure if your anxiety began by a physical imbalance, mental, social, spiritual or emotional, but what we do know, is that one area affects the others, and that you could not be with some imbalance in one but in balance in another.
As a human being that you are, you are a unit, and being a unit means that your system works together. It has been a mistake to want to separate the mind from the body or emotions, we did that to better understand, but it would be like saying that you can be one person at work and another at home.
Everything is connected, and if you want to heal from anxiety, you have to pay attention to your whole being as the unity that you are.
The best therapy is the one that helps you evolve.
The best therapy is the one that challenges you to generate a change in your lifestyle or your thinking style, it is a therapy that encourages you to reconnect with your emotions, to know yourself and regain confidence in yourself.
I think the best therapy for anxiety is the one that helps you reconnect also with courage and inner strength, and above all, with the confidence that you are safe and that you can live as you want to live.
What do the studies say?
Currently, it is scientifically proven that integrating cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness is the most effective thing you can do to treat anxiety disorders. (It’s not because I’m a fan of these two currents, but it is…)
Of course, studies also show that if you combine behavioral connective therapy with psychopharmaceuticals, the results are better than if you only apply one in isolation.
And what this means is that you need to work with your mind and body to heal from anxiety. Now imagine that in addition to working with your mind and body, you add your social and spiritual part.

What is the path I propose for your recovery?
What I have discovered in my personal and professional practice is that recovery from anxiety has a certain order, of course I am a faithful believer in flexibility and that everyone has a personal process, but this is the one I generally recommend:
Take a break
First of all, you need to give yourself a space to connect with yourself and separate yourself from your daily routine. Stop and accept that you are having anxiety.
Recover your physical balance
That is, heal your body of the tension and cortisol accumulated inside. Improve your diet, buy vitamin B and fatty acids (omega 3), and start taking them now. Tidy up your sleep cycle, do relaxation exercises, and to pamper yourself and decrease tension, massage at least once every 3 weeks.
The emotion accumulated inside your body generates tension and anxiety. Normally, the emotions accumulated in anxiety are anger and sadness. So write down your emotions every day, find someone to talk to about them, talk only if necessary, but release that tension.
Identify your lying thoughts
The mind is the main cause of your anxiety, the way you interpret reality, how you travel to the future and how you believe everything you think. So it’s critical that you begin to disprove thoughts that aren’t true, base yourself on facts rather than thoughts, and discover the beliefs that are imprisoning you.
Recover your self-confidence and face your fears.
Since your body and emotions are balanced, and you’ve seen that your fears are most likely a product of your mind, then yes, you begin to regain confidence in yourself and face those fears, rather than continue to avoid them.
Finally, be free
To be free, it is going to be fundamental that you are responsible for yourself, that you take charge of yourself, that you forget for a moment to save others, and save yourself. You cannot be free if you are not responsible, so accept that it is time to mature and take charge of what you need.
And along the way…
During the course of your recovery, I also recommend that you reconnect with your spirituality and your authenticity, with your essence that continues to live within you, even if you feel lost along the way.
It will be necessary that you open yourself to evolve and that you generate a change of paradigm before life, to generate a new philosophy of life in which it is no longer necessary to protect oneself and to live alert.
In conclusion
I believe that there is no exclusive therapy that is the right one or the best for anxiety, I believe that all therapies have something positive to offer you, the important thing is that you submerge yourself in this evolution that anxiety is inviting you to generate within you.